,→{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics: Added Brianna's Tips.
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics ==
Every Brewing recipe has some standard ingredients, like barley and hops, but there's also room for personalization. The personalized ingredients determine the precise flavor and effect of your beer. And everybody's different. Even if I followed your exact recipe, I might get a completely different effect. That's why there's no substitute for experimentation. Hard liquor is more potent than beer, but you can drink a lot more beer than you can hard liquor! Of course, the fastest way to get blitzed is to mix beer and the hard stuff at once. Sadly, the recipes for beer, wine, and liquor don't have a lot of carryover. You'll need to do separate experiments for beer, wine, and hard liquor recipes. Each ingredient can have a different effect in different recipes. I mean, you can put strawberries in Basic Lager, Pale Ale, and Marzen, but the strawberry's effect will be different for each recipe. When you get more advanced, there's an important trick. If two beer recipes take the exact same NUMBER of ingredients IN EACH SLOT, then there's a way to map the ingredients effects to other recipes with the same setup. This is tricky to explain to a new brewer. Here's an example: Orcish Bock, a very fancy brew, takes four special ingredients: one of four possible vegetables, one of three kinds of fruit, one of four mushrooms, and one of three garnish items. That means it's 4-3-4-3. Brown Ale's ingredients are different, but they work out to the same number: 4-3-4-3. You can predict how your ingredients are going to work between these two recipes, because their ingredient combinations are the same. Look, don't worry about all this at the beginning. Just remember to write down your research notes, especially when you start brewing fancier beers like Orcish Bock. You'll thank me later! And that special trick I just mentioned is even more important for hard liquor, because every kind of hard liquor has the exact same number of ingredients for each slot. That means that if you find an ingredient combo that makes Muscle Vodka, you can translate that recipe into other hard liquors -- Muscle Gin or whatever. So always write down notes on what you try! Course, hard liquor is a huge pain to brew. It needs a ton of ingredients, plus you've gotta let it age, plus you've gotta age the stuff in big barrels in a cave somewhere. Brewing beer is a lot easier! But once you find a few hard liquor recipes you like, you don't have to make it too often... a full barrel of the hard stuff will last you a while! ... Unless you're selling it to a bar, and you promised not to do that! Don't throw away your barrels when they run dry! Those suckers are expensive! I can show you how to clean 'em up so they can be reused. They'll still break every once in a while, but they usually last a long time.}}==== information Information from [[Developers|Citan]]'s blog post , April 20 april , 2017====
The basic ideas of brewing are the same as I described last week, but the details have changed many times. In fact, I think this is the most times I've ever iterated on a craft skill before it went live! The first few versions were prototypes, trying to figure out what the system's goals were and how it would achieve them. I blogged about the system last week based on a fairly fun prototype version. But then I needed to future-proof the system, which turned out to require a full rewrite.
In other words, there's lots and lots of design questions! Nothing earth-shatteringly hard, but it's been keeping me busy.
=== information = Information from [[Developers|Citan]]'s blog post , April 9 april , 2017====Brewing
Let's talk about brewing! It's probably the most complex crafting skill so far, because it builds on the tech from other skills. (For instance, Cheesemaking gave us cask "technology", which brewing needs; Augmentation gave us recipes that can infuse items with effects, etc.)
I mentioned above that this skill is the first that uses player-specific randomness -- and it might be the only one. The tech is being written with the idea that it might be reused for a few other craft skills, either old ones or new ones. But first I'll see how you like the system! Then we'll play it by ear with regard to future skills.
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