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Kur Mountains

95 bytes removed, 17:40, 12 June 2017
Updated some info.
In addition to the ''Coldbite'' effect, the character can also catch ''Hypothermia'' and ''Frostbite''. Hypothermia significantly reduces health regeneration and movement speed (-20% and -50%), while Frostbite reduces damage dealt by 20%. Both effects can be healed by lighting a Smoldering Fire or taking cover in the northwestern outpost.
Some of the description in this article have to be rewritten due to mechanics changes in the [[Game_updates/2016-12-17]] patch.
==Points of Interest==
A barn which houses another '''Smoldering Fire'''. [[Syndra]] is living inside. A Teleportation Circle is nearby.
====Northwestern Outpost====
A very tiny community lives there: [[Ukorga]], [[Laura Neth]], [[Landri the Cold]], [[Gurki]], [[Nightshade]], and [[Janet Lews]].
====Statehelm Mint====
*This place is not in the game yet. Please use the item that directed you to this spot as favor for [[George Madler]] in [[Eltibule]].
<!-- Head north, down the cliff to the ocean, then follow the cliff east (to be confirmed). -->
====Orc Camps====
* Tundra Lichen (37)
* Wild Winterhue (50)
== Trivia ==: In late 2014, a rumor arose suggesting that the [[Statehelm Mint]] was a building hidden somewhere in the eastern mountains of Kur. Instructions to find the mythical building suggested following the northern beach shore as far east as you could go, and climbing from there.
<!-- add a few nice pictures of landmarks (not too spoiler-y ?) -->

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