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329 bytes added, 00:47, 6 October 2014
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| Nelson Ballard asked you to deliver a Praetor's Order to a shady potion seller living in a tent outside of town.
| There was a charlatan visiting town a couple days ago. Well, his potions are magical, but Velkort said they incredibly toxic. I ordered him to leave Serbule, but I hear he's still around somewhere, selling potions out of his tent. So now I have to make it official. Can you deliver this? It's a Praetor's Order, declaring him illegal in this area.
| Cheese Run
| [[Nelson Ballard]]
| Nelson Ballard in Serbule has asked you to obtain some cheese he ordered from a man in Eltibule Keep.
| Well, if you're heading all the way out to Eltibule, could you stop by the keep and pick up my cheese from an Elf named Braigon? I need it right away, and I think he forgot about me.
| Heartshrooms
| [[Mu]]

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