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Battle Chemistry

29 bytes removed, 16:23, 21 July 2017
Connected Skills: Remove Synergy Chard; add Synergy text
* [[Alchemy]] - Without Alchemy, Battle Chemists would be unable to create their explosive concoctions and mutagenic injections.
===== Synergy Levels =====Bonus ranks to [[Synergy Levels]] for [[Battle Chemistry ]] can be obtained from the following skills and levels::; [[Alchemy]]{| {{STDT| mw-collapsible<includeonly> mw-collapsed</includeonly>}}! Skill || :: Level|-| Alchemy || 25, Level 45|-| :; [[Sigil Scripting || ]]:: Level 25|-:; [[Pathology]]| Pathology || :: Level 30|-| Alchemy || 45|}
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Basic Abilities==

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