==Small Talk== <!-- Add an area displaying the favor categories the NPC claims to enjoy. -->
* Loves Raw Fish
* Likes Flowers {{Hint|Hints about good gifts can be added like so.}}
* Likes Wool {{Favor|Friends}}
* Hates Swords
[[Echur]] offers some quests around the [[Serbule]] region.
== Events ==
<!-- If the NPC participates in an event, add that info here. See Norbert and Norbert/Strange Pig for an example -->
* [[Norbert/Strange Pig|Strange Pig]] - Sometimes, [[Norbert]] travels to other regions to spread awareness of the plights of sentient animals.
Moved sections around
; [[Serbule]] <!-- List the Zone the npc is found in. -->
: [[Marna]] is always seen inside her shop in [[Serbule Keep]]. <!-- This could be a town or location such as [[Serbule Keep]], [[Hogan's Keep]], or [[Amulna]]. You may also want to describe their location with more details. -->
==Small Talk== <!-- Add an area displaying the favor categories the NPC claims to enjoy. -->
* Loves Raw Fish
* Likes Flowers {{Hint|Hints about good gifts can be added like so.}}
* Likes Wool {{Favor|Friends}}
* Hates Swords
<!-- If you have the info, please edit the resulting pages <vendorname>/Items_purchased and <vendorname>/Spending_limits. (Links to these will automatically be created when using the {{Vendor_purchase_info}} template.) -->
<!-- Remember that your max purchase value will be affected by buffs from random skills, open up Persona->Stats and adjust for your Max Purchase Cap %. -->
<!-- Money Pool *should* be affected (?), but atm it seems bugged. -->
==Sells[[Marna]]'s Shop==
<!-- Add an introductory sentence or two briefly explains what this merchant has to offer. -->
[[Marna]] sells a selection of basic adventuring supplies used in [[First Aid]] and [[Armor Patching]]. She also sells cures for some common illnesses.
<div class="block1">
<!-- Add a short sentence describing the quests the NPC offers. -->
[[MarnaEchur]] offers a few some quests around the [[Serbule]] region.
<!-- Each quest should be linked, to be added as a separate page.
{{Favor|requirement}} should be indicated. If the Quest requires a prior quest to be completed, also list it here.
Consider using Template:Hint for spoiler-y material.
* [[Unusual Powder]] {{Favor|Neutral}} - Deliver powder to [[Azalak]] the Mantis.
{{Spoiler|Rewards for Unusual Powder|
== Rewards ==
<!-- List rewards from favor tiers. -->
== Events ==<!-- If the NPC participates in an event, add that info here. See Norbert and Norbert/Strange Pig for an example -->* [[Norbert/Strange Pig|Strange Pig]] - Sometimes, [[Norbert]] travels to other regions to spread awareness of the plights of sentient animals.
== Conversations == <!-- List any long and potentially important conversations the NPC may have -->