* Ranged Piercing Damage* [[Image{{:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Heavy Ranged Piercing DamageAIP:SkeletonArcher}}==Miscellaneous==
|'''Skull''':|{{ItemHeader|[[Butchering|Human SkullExtraction]]}} (Or Rakshasa/Elf/Orc)|-|None
; Level 0-10 Equipment
[[Category:Anagoge Creatures]]
→Reported Loot
| image = [[Image:weatherbeaten_skeleton_archer.png|300px]]
| type = Undead
| health = 2411
| armor = 12
| rage = 5849
| immune = Darkness
| effective = Crushing, Fire, Nature
| ineffective = Poison, Trauma
[[Weatherbeaten Skeleton Archer]]s are undead archers unwittingly battered by the elements.
== Location Locations ==
{{MOB Location
| health = 2411
| armor = 12
| rage = 5849
| area= Anagoge
| location= Found near along the northwest eastern coastline
==Combat Abilities==
== Reported Loot ==
==== Equipment ====
; Level 5-10 Equipment
|{{Loot|Moldy Ancient Shield}}
|{{Loot|Moldy Ancient Helm}}
|{{Loot|Moldy Ancient Shirt}}
|{{Loot|Moldy Ancient Gloves}}
|{{Loot|Moldy Ancient Pants}}
|{{Loot|Moldy Ancient Shoes}}
|{{Loot|Battle-Hardened Shield}}
|{{Loot|Comfortable Ancient Helm}}
|{{Loot|Comfortable Ancient Shirt}}
|{{Loot|Comfortable Ancient Gloves}}
|{{Loot|Comfortable Ancient Pants}}
|{{Loot|Comfortable Ancient Shoes}}
==== General Loot ====
|{{ItemLoot|FemurBrass Gear}}|{{ItemLoot|Strange DirtFemur}}|{{ItemLoot|Brass GearStrange Dirt}}