no edit summary
The summary text is the text found in the quest window, under the title, but above the quest requirements. Place that text here.
To start this quest, talk to '''[[Quest Giver]]''' in '''[[Zone]]'''. The quest is available at {{Favor|Favor}} favor.
Sometimes the quest is given through another means. If so, replace the above text with a description of how to start the quest. See [[Kill Deer]] for example.
<!-- This text is what the quest giver says in the dialog window when they give the quest. Place that text in the quote. For a series of dialog, add lines for the text the quest giver says, and use '''bold''' lines for the player responses. -->
<!-- Add requirements here. Use {{Item}} template for items, and link mobs. -->
* Obtain {{Item|None}} x3 {{Hint| Possible hints here. }}
* Talk to Quest Giver
<!-- We use a spoiler here to hide the end results of the quest. A player may want to see what the quest requirements are, without knowing what the reward is. -->
{{Spoiler|Rewards for (Quest Name here)|