→Gallery: Fixed Gallery tag
== Gallery==
Be prepared to grow a lot of cotton! You'll also be carding a lot, making thread and yarn. Higher quality clothes look better, have higher armor level and can be enchanted. Dyeing can also enhance the look of your clothes. Not much difference in appearance between Shoddy and Rough clothes; Decent is definitely a jump in aesthetics. Camouflaged shirt/pants have a different look.
<gallery mode="nolines" widths=100px>[[File:ShoddyClothClothes.png]] | Shoddy set[[File:RoughClothClothes.png]] | Rough set[[File:DecentClothClothes.png]] | Decent set (default colors)[[File:CamouflagedDecent.png]] | Camouflaged (default)[[File:ThreeDyedDecent.png]] | Decent sets-dyed 3 colors[[File:CamouflagedNice.png]] | Camouflaged Nice Pants/Shirt</gallery>