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Charles Thompson

260 bytes removed, 23:34, 15 May 2018
==Quests==*[[The Mythical Heartshroom]] {{favor|Friends}} - Obtain 2 Heartshrooms<dpl>*[[Talk to Jack]] - Talk with [[Mushroom Jack]] and return. {{Hint|Reward: 25 favor, Myconutmeg}}category = Quests/Charles Thompsonmode = unorderedcolumns = 1*[[Strange Dirt]] - Obtain strange dirt. {{Hint|Reward: 50 favorinclude = #Prerequisites, 300$}}#Requirements*[[Giant Mushroom Sample]] - Obtain giant mushroom sample. {{Hint|To the right of the entry at Myconian Cave. Reward: 50 favor, 700$}}</dpl>

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