no edit summary
| title = Horrific Ghost
| type = Incorporeal Creature
| health = 2228
| armor = 0
| rage = 1202
| effective = Psychic, Nature, Electricity
| immune = Darkness
[[Horrific Ghost]]s are [[Incorporeal Creature]]s that unlucky Adventurers may accidentally dig up while searching for buried treasures. Like most other ghosts, Horrific Ghosts are ''Nigh-Invulnerable Until Stunned''. The '''[[Horrific Ghost''' ]] is also is empowered with ''High Evasion''. It is rumored that the residents of [[New Prestonbule]] were trapped as [[Horrific Ghost]]s after their deaths.{{MOB Location| area = Ilmari| location = Summoned using [[Treasure Cartography]].| health = 2228| armor = 0| rage = 1202}}
{{MOB Location
| location1 = Ilmari| desc1 = Summoned using [[Treasure Cartography]].| armor1 = 0| health1 = 2228| rage1 = 1202| location2 area = Gazluk| desc2 location = Around and within [[New Prestonbule]].| armor2 health = 02228| health2 armor = 22280| rage2 rage = 1202
==Combat Abilities==
'' High Evasion, Nigh-Invulnerable Until Stunned''
* Trauma Damage
*[[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Heavy Darkness Damage Burst