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558 bytes added, 14:52, 20 June 2018
Updated to template, including Animal Handling Stats section.
==Combat Abilities==
''Fast Fleeing, Hyper Hearing''
* :{{Combat Ability|Crushing Damage}}* :{{Combat Ability|Slashing Damage}}* [[Image:{{Combat Ability Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Trauma Damage Over Time}}==Miscellaneous==* {||'''Skin''': |{{Item|Great Animal Skin}}* |-|'''Meat''': Cheap |{{Item|Beast Meat}}* |-|'''Skull''': |{{Item|Astonishing Animal Skull}}|}==Reported Loot==* ==== General Loot ====; Level 55 GearEquipment* {||{{Item|Giant Hairball}}* |{{Item|Elven Lily SeedsMaple Wood}}* |{{Item|Green Pepper SeedsMint}}* |{{Item|Maple WoodGreen Pepper Seeds}}* {{Item|Carrot Seedling}}-* |{{Item|MintYellow Game Chip}}* |{{Item|Master First Aid Kit}}* |{{Item|Master Armor Patch Kit}}* |{{Item|Green Game ChipCarrot Seedling}}|}==Animal Handling Stats =={{MOB AH| name = Grimalkin| level to tame= 50| max level = 70| max bond level = 70 | max happiness = 100| max enthusiasm = 10| attack = {{Combat Ability|Slashing Damage}}, {{Combat Ability|Crushing Damage}}| sic em = Trauma Damage Over Time| clever trick = Lure Away| bonus = | weaknesses = Cold| resists = Poison, Trauma}}{{MOB AHVital| vital level= Tamed (50)| health = 332| armor = 488}}* {{ItemMOB AHVital| vital level= 60| health = 367|Yellow Game Chiparmor = 546}}
[[Category:Ilmari Creatures]]

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