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Timothy Elerimon

81 bytes added, 15:37, 22 June 2018
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==Combat Abilities==
''Boss''* :{{Combat Ability|Crushing Damage}}* :{{Combat Ability|Heavy Crushing Damage and Curse}}* [[Image:{{Combat Ability Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Defensive Protection Bubble}}* [[Image:{{Combat Ability Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Heavy Crushing Damage and Stun}}==Miscellaneous==* {||'''Skin''': |None* |-|'''Meat''': |None* |-|'''Skull''': |{{Item|Impressive Human Skull}}|}==Reported Loot==* [[==== General Loot ====; Level 40 Equipment{||{{Item|Elerimon Staff]]}}* Level 40-43 Gear|}

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