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Altar of Norala

662 bytes added, 10:23, 5 July 2018
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|location = [[Wolf Cave]]
During a the full moon, completing werewolves may now interact with an altar quests placed at the entrance of the [[Wolf Cave]] in [[Kur Mountains]]. They may use it to perform several tasks for the goddess of the hunt, Norala, which will earn 1 tokenthem tokens they can then spend on special abilities, unlocks and boons. These The tokens disappear if not used during will only last for the duration of the current full moon. They unlock permanent buffs like 50-60 lycanthrope, 60-70 lycanthropeand the bonuses unlocked will last until the next one, and dark wolf form or unlock so the Lycans can get themselves nearly a month long buffs like +%damageboosts that will affect both their beast and humanoid forms. As of the 11/9/2015 update, +health, +armor and 3 tokens of Norala can be spent during the full moon in order to increase werewolf form's level cap to 60 permanently. Several other abilities are also permanently unlocked in the coveted +12 run speed bonus buffsame way after this
; [[Kur Mountains]]
* Completing an altar quest will earn 1 token. These tokens disappear if not used during the current full moon.
* Wolf: Civilized races (Kill 50 humans, elves or rakshasa)
* Wolf: Goblin killing (Kill 50 goblins)
* Wolf: The scion of Gulagra (Kill the [[Scion of Discord]])
* Wolf: Wolfsbane (Deliver 10 wolfsbane)
* Wolf: Hunt deer 2 (Kill 50 deer)
* Wolf: The scion of Norala (Kill the [[Scion of Norala]])
* Wolf: Orcish genocide (Kill 50 orcs)from orc camps in [[Kur Mountains]]* Wolf: Orcish genocide 2 (Kill 100 orcs)from orc camps in [[Kur Mountains]]
* Wolf: Ciervos must die (Kill [[Ciervos The Shadow]])
* Wolf: Dragon-kin (Kill 10 dragon kin)
* Wolf: Fae destruction (Kill 50 fae or fey creatures)from Fairy Slaves in [[Serbule Hills]]. 
==Token Unlocks==

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