,Added lorebook lore.
Value: 350
==== The Gods of Knowledge, Vol 3 ====
{{Quote|source=[[The Gods of Knowledge, Vol 3]]|
'''Who she is:''' They say that when you're truly hopeless, the world becomes more clear. You can see reality for what it is. Of course, you're too depressed to do anything about it. That's [[Talerra]] in a nutshell. She spends most of the time comatose from depression. But on occasions when the moon is new, she wakes up and answers prayers.
'''What she knows and how to find her:''' [[Talerra]] seems to have perfect knowledge of the past few decades. She also has imperfect knowledge of the future. But she doens't have this knowledge stored away; she seems to answer questions for people by divining the information for them on the spot.
There is a price for this knowledge though, and it's a harsh one. Divining the knowledge saps away part of your life force. Your sense of hope, specifically. And Talerra can't tell how much hope it's going to cost you. Typically, you'll loose hope for a few weeks or months. If your question is especially difficult to divine, you may loose hope for a year. And a tiny number of supplicants loose all hope forever.
But before you decide that "loosing hope for a month" sounds like a reasonable price to pay, realize that without hope, you won't have the will to keep living. You will lie comatose, waiting for death. If someone doesn't feed you, bathe you, and care to your bed sores, you will die. Make preparations accordingly.
If you with to proceed, contact your local sage. He can help you with the rituals. They aren't secret, but they're very complicated and you need to get them right. If you're rich enough, hire an expert ritual master to assist you!
[[Category:Register of Lore]]