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<div style="text-align:center; padding:1em 0 0; color:#c80000;">
'''Turning into a Lycanthrope is a PERMANENT CHARACTER ALTERATION. Even though this is Alpha, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REMOVE THIS CURSE. EVER.''' '''There is currently no way to use the [[Lycanthropy|Lycanthrope]] and [[Druid]] skillsets as a combination. Items that enable druidism while in wolf form MAY come in a future content update.'''
|caption = Skill in fighting as a wolf beast. Also indicates your ability to control and suppress the beast mode.
|skilltype = Beast Form
|maxlevel = 7090
|req = N/A
|skilltrainers = [[Harry the Wolf]], [[Sanja]], [[Noita the Green]], [[Altar of Norala]]
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview==
A [[Lycanthropy|Lycanthrope]]'s [[Beast Forms|Beast form]] makes for a very powerful animal form. '''You'll be able to change to and from it wolf form at will''', with the following limitations:* Characters with Lycanthropy Players may become a wolf at any given momenttime, instantly. In order However, to become human humanoid (or your alternate beast form ) again, wolves must kill a certain number of enemies or before their beast spirit will now allow them to un-transform. The higher your Lycanthropy level the wolf, the less fewer enemies they you need to kill to un-transform. At , until at Lycanthropy level 53 enemies are no longer required to transform , you can switch back into Human formand forth without any killing.* During the full moon, Werewolves Lycans are forcefully turned into wolf beast form and won't be able to turn back into human form cannot un-transform for 3 the three daysof the full moon. This happens once every lunar month, matching the real life moon cycles. If your Lycanthropy-infected character was not in wolf form and offline when the full moon began, during the full moon you will be transformed into the default brown-fur wolf form immediately upon logging in. If you have unlocked and want to be in the Winter Wolf or Dark Wolf form during the full moon, you need to be in that form ''before'' the full moon phase begins.* Remember that turning into a lycanthrope Lycanthrope is a '''PERMANENT CHARACTER ALTERATION THAT CANNOT BE UNDONE''' and '''won't will NEVER be made reversible'''(the developers have ''repeatedly'' confirmed this). Because of For thisreason, it's is highly advised to you carefully consider the pros and cons before making the decision. For three days every month werewolfs , Lycans are forced to play as a werewolfwolf, and several NPCs and vendors will not speak to wolves. Many vendors Some can be bribed persuaded to work speak with wolves after a particular bribe or a short quest , but a few will not talk to a wolf or give them a bribe questoffer any options at all. This situation can by mitigated by using an alternate character with and the transfer chest to sell items, or by finding similar vendors in other zones who will speak to you or have a wolf bribe quest.  
* +12 Run Speed Buff from Lycanthropy is one of the only few animal forms that can shift in and out of their humanoid or alternate beast form at will (except during full moons). And the transformation is instantaneous.*The [[Altar Beast Metabolism]] ability, in which you can consume the corpses of Noralayour defeated enemies rather than burying them, provides a unique temporary health regeneration buff and, when leveled, significant boosts in overall [[Metabolism]].* It The [[Howling]] ability, which grants health regeneration boosts and damage boosts—a buff which can last for up to five hours if the howling is a change on demand shape shift (assuming the player has killed a few mobs)done with additional howling wolves present.*3 days of During the month full moon you get special quests for special buffshave unique quest objectives that serve as an interesting alternative to typical skill progression.*It is great for clicking the "Star Button" between your power orb and skills and making a run speed load out while equipping run speed bootsLike all beast forms, pants, necklaces Lycans (when in wolf form) can learn and ringsuse the [[Warden]] combat skill.*The bite skill Wolves can be modded by your gear to be an 8 second cooldown aoewear and benefit from crafted wolf-specific metal armor (see [[Armorsmithing]]). 
*Most Merchants Require a quest completion Lycanthropy is an [[Animal Form]]. Like all animal forms, you have no hands and many NPCs will refuse to talk to beastsyou.*A few merchants will animals (such as [[Red]] in [[Kur]]) may not talk to beasts you either or lose favor if you try to speak with them because you are a scary animal. The defensive pylons at allthe Fox Camp in [[Kur]] will also attack you.*3 For the three days of the month full moon you are stuck in wolf will be unable to return to your human formno matter what. The player Words of power will most likely need a set of wolf gearwork for their duration.*Wood Can not be chopped You cannot chop wood or milk cows while in wolf form.(Again, having a humanoid alternate character to deal with these matters when you are in wolf form can be handy, pun intended.)*Secondary combat skills while in wolf farm form are limited to Unarmed[[Animal Handling]], [[Mentalism]], [[Necromancy]], Psycology[[Priest]], [[Psychology]], [[Unarmed]], and Necromancy or priest [[Warden]] because all the other combat skills require that the main hand a specific enabling held weapon . Weapons for other skills are not recognized as being equipped while in wolf form, although any bonuses or mods on the primary or secondary weapon items do still apply.
=== In-Game Description ===
Skill in fighting as a wolf beast. Also indicates the wolf's ability to control and suppress the beast mode.
=== Training Obtain {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} ===
* [[Harry the Wolf]] in Serbule Keep may know a thing or two about Werewolves. {{Hint|Get to Comfortable favor level with Rita and Harry the wolf will speak to you.}}
* {{Item|Werewolf Spit}} is contaminated spittle containing the [[Lycanthropy|Lycanthrope]] Disease. Drinking it will make you a werewolf instantly and forever! This is NO cure.
=== Training {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} ===
* Levels 51-60 and 61-70 can be unlocked at the [[Altar of Norala]] during the Full Moon for tokens, or by [[Sanja]] for councils.
* [[Noita the Green]] can unlock levels 71-80.
* Levels 81-90 may be unlocked by gaining favor with a mysterious entity deep beneath [[Povus]].
== Connected Skills ==
===== Sub-Skills:=====
===== Related Skills:=====
* [[Beast Speech]] - Beast Speech is a skill that all [[Lycanthropy|Lycanthropes]] learn.
===== Synergy Levels =====
Bonus [[Synergy Levels]] for [[Lycanthropy]] can be obtained from the following skills and levels:
:; [[Animal Handling]]
:: Level 60
:; [[Butchering]]
:: Level 34
:; [[Canine Anatomy]]
:: Level 19
:; [[Giant Bat]]
:: Level 25
:; [[Skinning]]
:: Level 35
:; [[Howling]]
:: Level 25
:; [[Survival Instincts]]
:: Level 33
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics ==
* The ability to howl increases a wolf's (out and in) combat health regeneration and damage. It will last up to an hour for a single wolf or for example 5 hours for a group of 5 wolves. Werewolves that howl together boost both effects and max duration by - +1h +2hp regen and +1 damage for each wolf howling in proximity. Repeatedly howling will also eventually get wolves experience on the [[Howling]] sub-skill.
=== The Full Moon ===
* During a real life full Moon players will be stuck as a werewolf. If players are in white wolf form before the full moon you still stay in this form which is preferable due to the form's cold weather mitigation.
Please go to the [[Altar of Norala]] page for more information
== Altar of Norala Unlocks=='''Boons:'''{| {{STDT|sortable}}!Effect!Increase per rank!Rank 1 token cost!Rank 2 token cost!Rank 3 token cost!Rank 4 token cost!Rank 5 token cost|-| Max health || +10 max health || 1 || 1 || 2 || 2 || 3|-| Max power || +10 max power || 1 || 1 || 2 || ? || ?|-| Werewolf damage || 2-3% werewolf damage || 1 || 1 || 2 || 2 || 2|-| Physical mitigation || +1 physical mitigation || 1 || 1 || ? || ? || ?|-| Corpse-eat healing || +4 beast metabolism healing || 1 || 1 || 2 || 2 || 3|} '''Run Speed:''' {| {{STDT|sortable}}!Ability Name!Description!Token cost!Level|-| Hunting Speed || Increase your wolfen sprint speed while out of combat. You gain 5 sprint speed for 30 seconds or until you enter combat. || 1 || 1|-| Hunting Speed 2 || Increase your wolfen sprint speed while out of combat. You gain 8 sprint speed for 30 seconds or until you enter combat. || 2 || 1|-| Hunting Speed 3 || Increase your wolfen sprint speed while out of combat. You gain 12 sprint speed for 30 seconds or until you enter combat. || 3 || 1|} '''Permanent upgrades:''' (These will become available one by one in the listed order){| {{STDT|sortable}}!Ability!Effect!Cost|-| Raise Lycanthropy Max Level to 60 || Increases the Lycanthropy level cap from 50 to 60. || 3|-| Pack Attack 4 || Unlocks the ability. || 2|-| Bite 5 || Unlocks the ability. || 2|-| Claw 5 || Unlocks the ability. || 2|-| Pouncing Rake 4 || Unlocks the ability || 2|-| Raise Lycanthropy Max Level to 70 || Increases the Lycanthropy level cap from 60 to 70. || 3|-| See Red 4 || Unlocks the ability || 2|-| Skulk 4 || Unlocks the ability || 2|-| Bite 6 || Unlocks the ability || 2|-| Claw 6 || Unlocks the ability || 2|-| Pack Attack 5 || Unlocks the ability || 2|-| Dark Wolf Form || Allows you to turn into a dark-colored wolf || 4|-| +12 Storage Slots at the Altar of Norala || /Token Unlocks storage at the Altar, with 12 slots || 2 |-| +12 Storage Slots at the Altar of Norala || Adds 12 slots (24 total) || 3 |-| +12 Storage Slots at the Altar of Norala || Adds 12 slots (36 total) || 4 |-| +12 Storage Slots at the Altar of Norala || Adds 12 slots (48 total) || 5|-|}  == {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Basic Abilities==As you level your [[Lycanthropy]], you will learn the following abilities:{| {{STDT|sortable}}!Ability Name!Description!Damage Type!Level|-| Claw || Claw your enemy. (+ damage vs vulnerable targets) || Slashing || 0|-| Bite || Bite your enemy. || Crushing || 2|-| Pack Attack || Bite your enemy. Future Pack Attacks (by you or by other werewolves) will deal extra damage to this target. (+15) || Crushing || 3|-| Pouncing Rake || Claw your enemy. If their armor is weak, also stuns them for 3 seconds. (Stuns targets under 33% armor) || Slashing || 5|-| Howl Mode || Begin howling to raise your spirits. Remain stationary to continue howling and slowly build up morale benefits. Other werewolves who howl near you will greatly boost the beneficial effects of howling. || N/A || 7|-| Bite 2 || Bite your enemy. || Crushing || 10|-| Shadow Feint || Take careful heed of your current position so you can leap back to it when injured. (Relocates to casting position if you take 3 hits in 30 seconds, 40m range) || N/A || 12|-| Claw 2 || Claw your enemy. (+ damage vs vulnerable targets) || Slashing || 15|-| Pack Attack 2 || Bite your enemy. Future Pack Attacks (by you or by other werewolves) will deal extra damage to this target. (+20) || Crushing || 20|-| Pouncing Rake 2 || Claw your enemy. If their armor is weak, also stuns them for 3 seconds. (Stuns targets under 33% armor) || Slashing || 25|-| Bite 3 || Bite your enemy. || Crushing || 28|-| Claw 3 || Claw your enemy. (+ damage vs vulnerable targets) || Slashing || 30|-| Shadow Feint 2 || Take careful heed of your current position so you can leap back to it when injured. (Relocates to casting position if you take 4 hits in 35 seconds, 40m range) || N/A || 35|-| Pack Attack 3 || Bite your enemy. Future Pack Attacks (by you or by other werewolves) will deal extra damage to this target. (+30) || Crushing || 40|-| Pouncing Rake 3 || Claw your enemy. If their armor is weak, also stuns them for 3 seconds. (Stuns targets under 33% armor) || Slashing || 45|-| Bite 4 || Bite your enemy. || Crushing || 46|-| Claw 4 || Claw your enemy. (+ damage vs vulnerable targets) || Slashing || 48|-| Shadow Feint 3 || Take careful heed of your current position so you can leap back to it when injured. (Relocates to casting position if you take 5 hits in 45 seconds, 40m range) || N/A || 50|-| Pack Attack 4 || Bite your enemy. Future Pack Attacks (by you or by other werewolves) will deal extra damage to this target. (+40) || Crushing || 55 (Altar)|-| Bite 5 || Bite your enemy. || Crushing || 56 (Altar)|-| Claw 5 || Claw your enemy. (+ damage vs vulnerable targets) || Slashing || 58 (Altar)|-| Pouncing Rake 4 || Claw your enemy. If their armor is weak, also stuns them for 3 seconds. (Stuns targets under 33% armor) || Slashing || 60 (Altar)|}
===AdvancedRiding ===The following skills you'll only be able to learn from several scrolls found out in the world, or as monster drops:{| {{STDT|sortable}}!Ability Name!Description!Damage Type!Level|-| Pouncing Rend || Leap at your enemy, focusing solely on destroying their armor. (This is As a variant of Pouncing Rake. Equipment that boosts Pouncing Rake also boosts Pouncing Rend.) [[Beast Forms|| Slashing (Armor damage only) || 6|-| Pouncing Rend 2 || Leap at your enemyBeast Form]], focusing solely on destroying their armor. (This is a variant of Pouncing Rake. Equipment that boosts Pouncing Rake also boosts Pouncing Rend.) [[Lycanthropy|| Slashing (Armor damage only) || 26|-| Pouncing Rend 3 || Leap at your enemy, focusing solely on destroying their armor. (This is a variant of Pouncing Rake. Equipment that boosts Pouncing Rake also boosts Pouncing Rend.) || Slashing (Armor damage only) || 46|-| Pouncing Rend 3+ || Leap at your enemy, focusing solely on destroying their armor. (This is a variant of Pouncing Rake. Equipment that boosts Pouncing Rake also boosts Pouncing Rend.) || Slashing (Armor damage only) || 50|-| Pouncing Rend 4 || Leap at your enemy, focusing solely on destroying their armor. (This is a variant of Pouncing Rake. Equipment that boosts Pouncing Rake also boosts Pouncing Rend.) || Slashing (Armor damage only) || 56|}=== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Advanced Abilities===There Lycanthropes]] are two members of a werewolf pack around not able to use the north western coast in traditional Horse mounts offered through [[Kur MountainsRiding]]. They will only talk to players in werewolf form. Instead, [[Jace SoralSanja]] will teach players several alchemical recipes for poisoned weapons effective against werewolves. in [[SanjaKur Mountains]], teaches the pack leader, will teach wolf mount-form to Lycan players the following skillswho are at least level 30 in Lycanthropy. Both will require favor to be learned:{| {{STDT|sortable}}!Ability Name!Description!Damage Type!Level|-| See Red || Go into a berzerk rage, dealing extra damage. (+5% piercing damage) || N/A || 9|-| See Red 2 || Go into a berzerk rage, dealing extra damage. (+7% piercing & slashing damage) || N/A || 29|-| See Red 3 || Go into a berzerk rage, dealing extra damage. (+10% piercing & slashing damage) || N/A || 49|-| Double Claw || Attack with repeated mauling claws to the target's exposed flesh. Damage is reduced by 1 for every 5 points of armor the foe has left. || Slashing || 13|-| Double Claw 2 || Attack with repeated mauling claws to the target's exposed flesh. Damage is reduced by 1 for every 5 points of armor the foe has left. || Slashing || 22|-| Double Claw 3 || Attack with repeated mauling claws to the targetHunting Speed's exposed flesh. Damage is reduced by 1 for every 5 points of armor the foe has left. || Slashing || 42|-| Double Claw 4 || Attack with repeated mauling claws to the target's exposed flesh. Damage is reduced by (1 for every 5 points of armor the foe has left. || Slashing || 52|-| Sanguine Fangs || Bite through veins to cause blood loss. (Extra damage vs vulnerable targets, deals 16 health damage over 8 seconds3) || Piercing || 8|-| Sanguine Fangs 2 || Bite through veins to cause blood loss. are now Wolf mount abilities (Extra damage vs vulnerable targets, deals 24 health damage over 8 seconds) || Piercing || 18|-| Sanguine Fangs 3 || Bite through veins they used to cause blood loss. (Extra damage vs vulnerable targets, deals 40 health damage over 8 seconds) || Piercing || 29|-| Sanguine Fangs 4 || Bite through veins to cause blood loss. (Extra damage vs vulnerable targets, deals 56 health damage over 8 secondsbe sidebar abilities) || Piercing || 44|-| Sanguine Fangs 5 || Bite through veins to cause blood loss. (Extra damage vs vulnerable targets, deals 72 health damage over 8 seconds) || Piercing || 54|-| Smell Fear || Launch into a vicious attack that sows seeds of doubt and are activated in the targetusual way at the's mind. (Extra damage vs vulnerable targets, -60 rage) || Crushing || 14|-| Smell Fear 2 || Launch into a vicious attack that sows seeds '' Altar of doubt in the targetNorala's mind. (Extra damage vs vulnerable targets, -100 rage) || Crushing || 27|-| Smell Fear 3 || Launch into a vicious attack that sows seeds of doubt in the target's mind. (Extra damage vs vulnerable targets, -150 rage) || Crushing || 41|-| Smell Fear 4 || Launch into a vicious attack that sows seeds of doubt in the target's mindeach month at Full Moon. (Extra damage vs vulnerable targets, -250 rage) || Crushing || 51|}
Completing a quest with [[Jace Soral]] to defeat [[Bleddyn]] the werewolf will grant you the following alternative shapeshifting ability:
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* {{belt|Lucky Belt of the Werewolf}} (Lycanthropy) {{Hint|Crafted through the toolcrafting skill, level 36. Requires 20 Lycanthropy to be equipped.}}* {{belt|Lucky Belt of the Pack Leader}} (Lycanthropy, [[Animal Handling]]) {{Hint|Sold by Harry the wolf.}}* {{belt|Lucky Belt of the Cunning Wolf}} (Lycanthropy, [[Psychology]]) {{Hint|Sold by Harry the wolf.}}{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Treasure Effects}}
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Stat Bonuses}}
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}}
== Trivia ==
* Lycanthropy has no cure!There will never, ever be a cure. Be 100% certain you want your character to be a Lycan before committing to it. ==Notes==[[Sanja]] can unlock [[Lycanthropy]] levels 51-60 and 61-70 for councils. Alternatively (and rather less expensively), these level unlocks are also available at the [[Altar of Norala]] during the full moon for task reward tokens. Similarly, [[See Red 6]] and [[See Red 7]] are also available from Sanja for councils, or from the [[Altar of Norala]] during the full moon for tokens. You may want to schedule your training options accordingly. If your character is a [[Druid]] and can transform into a deer, assuming it is not the full moon, you can use that to speak freely with NPCs who will speak with animals but are afraid of scary wolves. Transforming directly from wolf to deer (and back again) still counts as being in continuous beast form in terms of the 3-hour in-game beast form status required to speak to most [[Animal Town]] residents. ([[Druid]] bird forms also work.)
== Gallery ==
File:Werewolf (winter form).jpg| A player using Winter Werewolf Form.

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