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Red Wing Casino

398 bytes added, 03:27, 19 April 2019
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'''Red Wing Casino''' is a Casino run by a group of intelligent mantis. Many trainers and betting games can be found here.
== Neighboring Regions ==
This is the central room in the Casino. Coming from other rooms in the casino, a player will walk on balconies that are around and above an arena where people or NPC's can duel eachother.
In the smaller siderooms to the Arena area the CA- and the CB-player-vendors can be found. Also  [[Ragabir]] and can be found in a small sideroom to the right of the stairs heading from the portal room to the arena. He is an expert in alchemy. [[Qatik]] have their own can be found in a small sideroomto the left of the stairs heading from the portal room to the arena. He offers unique items for players to buy with [[Red Wing Token]] as well as a daily quest and storage.
It connect connects to the garden, to the game room (which connect to the kitchen), to the portal room, to the employee area (which has the back entrance and the overheated boiler (Forge).
==== Game room ====

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