<!-- Special equipment that is intended to be used by the skill goes here, including belts. -->
{{belt|Lucky Belt of the Unarmed Fighter}} increases the Base Damage dealt with Unarmed by 8%. Can be created with [[Toolcrafting]] 22.
{{belt|Lucky Belt of the Monk}} increases Base Damage dealt with Unarmed and [[Mentalism]] combat skills by 6%. Can be bought from Echur.
{{belt|Lucky Belt of the Sneak}} increases Base Damage dealt with Unarmed and [[Psychology]] combat skills by 6%. Can be bought from Echur.
{{belt|Lucky Belt of the Wraith}} increases Base Damage dealt with Unarmed and [[Necromancy]] combat skills by 6%. Can be found through rare drops and chests.
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Treasure Effects}}