,→Other Skills: Updated pretty much all of the skills. Still needs Iocane resistance, and Toolcrafting descriptions.
! style="text-align:left;width:30%;" |How to obtain
|[[Alchemy]] || The art of combining esoteric things together to make potions and poisons || You learn some basic level 0 recipes from an Alchemy Book in a big room directly before [[Maronesa]] in the [[Tutorial Cave]]. Using these from the recipe screen will cause Alchemy to appear in your list of skills.
|[[Anatomy]] || Knowledge of the physiology of creatures in general. This is an umbrella skill that encompasses a vast suite of sub-skills for particular types of creatures. This parent skill represents generalized knowledge that applies to all creatures in the world. || Received as a bonus skill from one of it's subdivisions, such as [[Undead Anatomy]].
|[[Armor Patching]] || The ability to use repair kits to fix up your armor. || Earned when you use an Armor Patch Kit for the first time.
|[[Art History]] || Understanding of the rich history of art in Allhearth. ||Rescue [[Sarina]] From the [[Goblin Dungeon]] in Eltibule.
|[[Artistry]] || Skill in the visual arts, including painting, sculpting, and mosaic creation. || Requires Level 35 Art History. Requires a specific book which teaches the skill.
|[[Blacksmithing]] || Making and enhancing metal equipment. Blacksmiths don't create armor directly, but they can buttress metal armor's effectiveness. They also create metal parts for many other skills. || Talk with [[Tadion]] in [[Serbule Keep]].
|[[Butchering]] || Skill in the act of removing meat and useful body organs from a corpse. You need to be carrying a Butcher Knife in order to butcher a corpse. Corpses of sentient creatures, such as goblins and humans, can't be butchered. || After having received a Butcher Knife from either Fainor's shop or the Red Wall chest, click the butcher button when looting an animal corpse.
|[[Calligraphy]] || The art of writing things. Handy for... writing things. It's also a valuable art for swordsmen and other warriors, who can infuse their art with potent additional effects. || Complete the quest '''Kill Tigers''' for [[Joeh]].
|[[Carpentry]] || Preparing and treating lumber, and making things out of wood. || Talk with [[Jara]] on the farm in [[Serbule]].|-|[[Cheesemaking]] || Making cheese, butter, and other daily products. But mostly: cheese. || Learn the recipe for Butter from [[Fainor]] or [[Braigon]] and craft it once to make Cheesemaking appear on your list of skills.
|[[Compassion]] || The ability to feel empathy, even for creatures not at all like yourself. || Buy a shovel off of [[Mushroom Jack]] for 75g and use the 'Bury Corpse' option when it appears.
|[[Cooking]] || Skill in preparing food for consumption. || Speak with [[Fainor]] in [[Serbule Keep]].
|[[Dye Making]] || Skill in producing dye. These dyes can be used to color armor. This skill covers only the creation of the dye; Textile creation, Tanning, or Blacksmithing is used to apply the dye, depending on what the armor is made of. || Speak with the Dye Maker in [[Serbule Keep]].
|[[Dying]] || The art of dying. || Die. No, really, that's it.
|[[Endurance]] || The ability to endure heavy loads and uncomfortable situations without getting tired. Your endurance increases the speed of your armor regeneration between fights, among other things. This ability permanently raises your armor regeneration rate. || Receive damage and then kill an enemy.
|[[First Aid]] || The ability to use first aid kits to heal yourself or others. || Use a first-aid kit for the first time.
|[[Fishing]] || The art of collecting fish. || Right click a crab on the ground to catch your first fish and earn the skill
|[[Fletching]] || The craft of arrow-making. Most fletching recipes require elements obtained from Carpentry, so it's often handy to know both skills well. At higher level, fletchers also need various Alchemy components. || Buy "I'd Rather Be Fletching" from [[Elahil]] in [[Serbule Keep]].
|[[Foraging]] || The art of picking things up. Except mushrooms, those are special for some reason. Experts at Foraging are also experts at finding stationary items and locations (such as many Quest Objectives). || Pick up an Apple or Haystack. They can be found in the [[Tutorial Cave]].
|[[FishingGardening]] || The art of collecting fishGrowing things in a garden: herbs, food, and flowers. || Speak with [[Therese]] in [[Serbule Keep]]. |-| Right click a crab on [[Geology]] || Digging crystals out of the ground to catch your first fish , and earn knowing what they do. || Buy a "Surveying Book" from [[Joeh]] in [[Serbule Keep]].|-|[[Goblinese]] || Fluency in the skilllanguage of goblins. || Find a Level 0 Goblinese card in [[Eltibule]]'s [[Goblin Dungeon]].
|[[GeologyGourmand]] || Digging crystals out The art of appreciating what you eat. A high gourmand skill allows you to get more benefits from fancier foods. Each food has a Gourmet Level, which caps your benefits from this skill, you will only get benefits as if your skill was the ground, and knowing what they doGourmet Level. || ?Eat any form of food, such as the Bucket of Gruel in the [[Tutorial Cave]].
|[[GourmandHoplology]] || The art study of appreciating what you eatweapons and armor, with a focus on the benefits and weaknesses of different kinds of equipment. A high gourmand As the skill allows you to get more benefits from fancier foodsincreases, Staff users will find that their combat abilities also restore Armor. || Eat any form of food, such as the Bucket of Gruel Learn in the [[Tutorial Kur]]'s [[Wolf Cave]].
|[[Iocaine Resistance]] || ??? ||???
|[[Lore]] || Mastery of ancient Knoweledge || Use a lore object such as a painting or book, or solve a [[Shrine]]'s riddle.
|[[Meditation]] || Skill in centring yourself and creating an inner focus. This is especially helpful when using Unarmed combat skill. To meditate, you must be near a Meditation Pillar. each meditation also requires a simple focus item, such as a fruit or a flower.||Raise favor levels with [[Euchur]] in [[Serbule Keep]].
|[[Mycology]] || Mastery of fungus in all it's forms. || Harvest a mushroom.
|[[Myconic]] || Knowledge of the secret language of ancient fungus creatures. || Harvest a mushroom, and sometimes you'll receive experience for this instead of Mycology.|-|[[Notoriety]] || A measure of your renown. You earn Notoriety the first time you defeat certain enemies (typically any monster with a proper name), and for completing particularly difficult quests. || Defeat your first Named creature.|-|[[Pathology]] || Skill in figuring out how someone or something died. Higher skill allows more details to be determined and more difficult organisms to be examined. || Get an Autopsy Kit from [[Lawara]] (Comfortable) or buying it from [[Mushroom Jack]].|-|[[Phrenology]] || An understanding of how sentient creatures think and feel, based on careful study of the shape of their skulls. This base skill represents your overall Phrenological prowess. (Phrenology skills provide crtical-hit chances to all Psychology and Mentalism attacks against the corresponding type of creature. Phrenology also has more esoteric uses). || Lean from [[Glajur]] In [[Kur Tower]].
|[[NotorietySigil Scripting]] || Using magical inks and arcane rituals to create areas of power. ||Learn from [[Sir Arif]] in the [[Serbule Crypt]].
|[[PathologySkinning]] || Skill in the act of removing fur or skin from an animal. You need to be carrying a Skinning Knife in order to skin a corpse. Corpses of sentient creatures, such as goblins and humans, can't be skinned. || Obtain a Skinning Knife and use it on a creature such as a [[Rat]].|-|[[Surveying]] || Analyzing the land to locate valuable resources or important locations. Surveying has many uses, but is most commonly used to make resource maps for Geology and Mining. || Get an Autopsy Kit Buy a "Surveying Book" from [[LawaraJoeh]]in [[Serbule Keep] (Comfortable) ].|-|[[Tailoring]] || Tailoring has two aspects: first, you use it to turn textiles into clothing. Second, you can use tailoring to make clothing and leather armor more comfortable, more useful, or buying it more stylish. || Talk with [[Thimble Pete]] in [[Eltibule]].|-|[[Tanning]] || The craft of turning disgusting animal skins, furs, and hides into leather, fleece, and other materials ready to be used in clothing and armor. || Buy a book from [[Mushroom JackJesina]] in Eltibule or [[Flia]]in Serbule.
|[[Teleportation]] || || Buy a book from [[Jesina]] in Eltibule or [[Flia]] in Serbule.
|[[Textile Creation]] || The craft of turning raw ingredients into cloth. Textile creation includes cotton, wool, silk, and many other fiber types. Cloth made from animal hides (e.g. leather) comes from the Tanning skill instead. ||Talk with [[George Madler]] in [[Eltibule]].
|[[Toolcrafting]] || || Have 20 Blacksmithing and Carpentry, then talk to an NPC in Sunvale.