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734 bytes added, 18:30, 9 December 2014
Anatomy Skills: Added all descriptions.
| [[Arthropod]] Anatomy || Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of the physiology of spiders, insects, and scorpions.
| [[Bear]] and [[Bugbear]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of bears. Bugbears, which are half-goblin and half-bear, are also covered by this skill, as they take after their bear side more than the goblin side.
| [[Canine]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of dogs, wolves, and werewolves. Gives bonuses to killing, skinning, and raising these creatures.
| [[Cat]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of cats of all types.
| [[Construct]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of constructs such as Golems.
| [[DemonCrone-Kin]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of crones and their ilk, including harpies, hags, and striga.
| [[DragonDinosaur]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of dinosaurs. This skill also covers birds, which are descended from dinosaurs, and dragons, which are descended from birds.
| [[Elemental]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of elementals.
| [[ElvenFey]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of faeries and fae creatures, including some animals that look mundane but aren't, such as the fae panther.
| [[FeyFish and Snail]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of fish. Also snails. They're very similar. Really.
| [[FishFungoid]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of fungus people, slime monsters, overgrown bacteria, and ooze beasts.
| [[FungoidGiant]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of giant-kin such as yetis and ogres.
| [[GiantGoblin]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of goblins.
| [[GoblinHuman]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of humans.
| [[OrcIncorporeal Creature]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of incorporeal creatures, such as ghosts and shadow illusions.
| [[PlantOrc]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of orcs.
| [[RakshasaPlant]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning Carpentry || Knowledge of the physiology of monstrous plants.
| [[Rodent]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of rodents.
| [[Ruminant]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of cud-chewing herbivores such as cows, sheep, deer, and camels.
| [[Non-Ruminant UngulateUndead]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of undead, such as skeletons, zombies, and liches. This skill doesn't cover undead without bodies, such as ghosts and wraiths.
| [[UndeadNon-Ruminant Ungulate]] Anatomy || Anatomy, Archery, Butchery, Skinning || Knowledge of the physiology of large herbivores that do NOT chew cud, such as pigs, rhinos, and horses.  
[[Category:Skills]][[Category:Other Skills]]

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