<!--- Despawned before i could note down his stats and i didn't get around to checking him again b4 bed. Will finish tomorrow if someone else doesn't do it first. --->
Added some missing details and updated stats.
{{MOB infobox
| type = Fey
| armor = 236241
| health = 340
| rage = 514519
| notoriety = 500
'''The Mauler''' is a star. He even has his own (very large) set of bear and fey panther groupies; Be careful, they are all too happy to come to his defense and gang up on anyone unlucky enough to let them. He can be found near [[The Mangler]].
==Combat Abilities==
* Effective: Electricity, Acid
* Ineffective: Crushing, Trauma
* Slashing Damage
* Crushing Damage