Updated James with new stats, combat abilities, and added quote. Still needs an image.
{{MOB infobox
| type = Undead
| armor = 332341
| health = 755
| rage = 831840
‘I hereby pardon Katarina for her act of patricide, as she was not of sound mind. She is to be afforded official burial in the family plot, but, due to her suicide, she cannot be interred in the tomb itself. Let no human judge Katarina, for she was her own harshest judge. She will be missed.‘ - James Eltibule II}}
'''James Eltibule, the Deceased Duke''' is a very strong skeletal warrior who guards the [[Eltibule Crypt]], along with his wife [[Serisa Eltibule]].
If you know how to stun and control rage, he is soloable can be defeated solo at approx. level 30 skills. If [[Serisa Eltibule]] is in the room, it is advised to defeat her first.
: Coffins room at the end of the main (and only) hallway.
==Combat Abilities==
* Immune: Darkness* Effective: Crushing, Fire, Nature* Very Ineffective: Poison, Trauma * [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Heavy Crushing Slashing Damage* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Personal HealingSlashing Stun-->
* Zone-wide categories: Serbule Creatures, Eltibule Creatures, etc.
* Anatomy skill related categories: Canine, Rodent, Undead, etc. See [[Category:Creatures_by_Type]]
[[Category:Bosses]][[Category:Eltibule Crypt Creatures]][[Category:Undead]][[Category:Eltibule Creatures]]