Updated to template.
| title = Frost Elemental
| type = Elemental
| health = 600
| armor = 558
| rage = 896
| very effective veffective = Fire
| effective = Electricity
| ineffective = Poison
{{MOB Location
|area=Goblin Dungeon
|location=A weaker version than in Kur. Very prevalent in Red annex, but there are a few in Green.
|health = 449
|armor = 400
{{MOB Location
|area=Sun Vale
|location=Main Island, southwest side
|health = 449
|armor = 400
| rage = 896
==Combat Abilities=='''Extreme Regeneration'''* :{{Combat Ability|Cold Damage}}* [[Image:{{Combat Ability Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Cold Immobilize}}==Miscellaneous==* {||'''Skin''': |None* |-|'''Meat''': |None* |-|'''Skull''': |None|}==Reported Loot==* ==== General Loot ====; Level 35 Jewelry{||{{Item|Ice CoresCore}}* |{{Item|Hatred and Oil}}|{{Item|Fear OilsOil}}* Level 30 gear [[Category:Kur Mountains Creatures]][[Category:Goblin Dungeon Creatures]]|}