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Cinnamon the rabbit

4,453 bytes added, 22:32, 5 April 2023
Added missing table end.
{{NPC infobox
|title = Cinnamon
|image = [[File:Cinnamon(npc)(revision_1).png|300px|]]|caption = His eyes are glazed over... He's not written yetA smirking hare.|zone = [[Sun Vale]]|location town = [[Animal Town]]|location = Near the garden.|anatomy =Rodent|species = Rabbit|beastspeak = Be Yes|beastlist = Anyone in animal form for 3+ hours|skilltrainer = [[Rabbit]]|barter = Yes|vendor = VendorYes
Oh, hey.
[[Cinnamon the rabbit|Cinnamon]] is a rabbit living in [[Animal Town]].
As a resident of [[Animal Town]], [[Cinnamon the rabbit|Cinnamon]] is only willing to hold conversations with characters that have transformed into a [[Beast Forms|Beast Form]] over 180 real-world in game minutes prior to the conversation attempt. If you loose track of the time you last transformed, [[Norbert]] is willing to tell you how long you have until the other residents will tolerate talking with you.
; [[Sun Vale]]
: Found in [[Animal Town]].
== Shopkeeper ==
[[Cinnamon the rabbit]] sells items in exchange for [[Live Event Credit]]s.
{{Vendor items sold}}
== Favor =====Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]===
[[Category:Favor/Small Talk]]
== Quests ==
[[Cinnamon the rabbit]] offers no quests.
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Rabbit]]
! Unlock
! Skill Level
! Cost
! Favor
; [[Rabbit]]{{NPC training row: |ability=Long Ear |skilllevel=15 |cost=1450 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row thru |ability=Long Ear 2 |skilllevel=30 |cost=2700 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Long Ear 3 |skilllevel=45 |cost=6950 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Long Ear 4: |skilllevel=60 |cost=11700 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Carrot Power |skilllevel=10 |cost=700 |favor=Comfortable}}{{NPC training row |ability=Carrot Power 2 |skilllevel=28 |cost=2600 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Carrot Power thru 3 |skilllevel=39 |cost=4650 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Carrot Power 4 |skilllevel=55 |cost=9950 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Carrot Power 5: |skilllevel=67 |cost=17050 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Snow Hare Mode |skilllevel=1 |cost=250 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Snow Hare Mode thru 2 |skilllevel=10 |cost=700 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Snow Hare Mode 7 3 |skilllevel=20 |cost=1700 |favor=Comfortable}}{{FavorNPC training row |ability=Snow Hare Mode 4 |skilllevel=30 |cost=2700 |Like Familyfavor=???}}: {{NPC training row |ability=Snow Hare Mode thru 5 |skilllevel=40 |cost=4700 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Snow Hare Mode 8 6 |skilllevel=50 |cost=7200 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Snow Hare Mode 7 |skilllevel=60 |cost=11700 |favor=???}}{{FavorNPC training row |ability=Snow Hare Mode 8 |skilllevel=70 |cost=17200 |favor=Like Family}}: {{NPC training row |ability=Bun-Fu Strike |skilllevel=15 |cost=1450 |favor=Friends}}{{NPC training row |ability=Bun-Fu Strike 2 |skilllevel=30 |cost=2700 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Bun-Fu Strike 4 3 |skilllevel=45 |cost=6950 |favor=???}}{{FavorNPC training row |ability=Bun-Fu Strike 4 |skilllevel=60 |cost=11700 |favor=Like Family}}: {{NPC training unlock row |Icon=Unlock |item=Rabbit{{pipe}}Unlock Rabbit Skill Levels 51-60 |skilllevel=50: |cost=20000 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Rabbit Scratch 7 |skilllevel=60 |cost=11700 and 8|favor=???}}{{NPC training row: |ability=Thump 6 and 7: |skilllevel=55 |cost=9950 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Rabbit's Foot 5 |skilllevel=65 |cost=14950 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Bun-Fu Blitz Kick 5: |skilllevel=58 |cost=11600 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Hare Dash 6 and 7: Love Tap 5 |skilllevel=57 |cost=11500 |favor=???}}{{FavorNPC training unlock row |Like FamilyIcon=Unlock |item=Rabbit{{pipe}} : Unlock Rabbit Skill Levels 61-70: |skilllevel=60 |cost=50000 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Play Dead 5 |skilllevel=64 |cost=14900 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Thump 7 |skilllevel=65 |cost=14950 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Hare Dash 7 |skilllevel=67 |cost=17050 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Rabbit Scratch 8 |skilllevel=70 |cost=17200 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Love Tap |skilllevel=1 |cost=250 |favor=Comfortable}}{{NPC training row |ability=Love Tap 2 |skilllevel=16 |cost=1500 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Love Tap 3 |skilllevel=31 |cost=4250 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Love Tap 4 |skilllevel=47 |cost=7050 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Love Tap 5 |skilllevel=60 |cost=11700 |favor=Like Family}}{{NPC training row |ability=Bun-Fu Blast |skilllevel=10 |cost=700 |favor=Comfortable}}{{NPC training row |ability=Bun-Fu Blast 2 |skilllevel=25 |cost=2450 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Bun-Fu Blast 3 |skilllevel=40 |cost=4700 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Bun-Fu Blast 4 |skilllevel=50 |cost=7200 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Bun-Fu Blast 5 |skilllevel=60 |cost=11700 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Bun-Fu Blast 6 |skilllevel=70 |cost=17200 |favor=???}}|}
== Services ==
==== Bartering ====
{| {{STDT}}class="wikitable"
| {{Item|Corn}} x1|| rowspan = "6" | {{Item|Rabbit Treat}} x2|-| {{Item|Red Pepper}} x1|-| {{Item|Green Pepper}} x1|-| {{Item|Pumpkin}} x1|-| {{Item|Carrot}} x1
| {{Item|Red PepperBroccoli}} x1|| {{Item|Rabbit Treat}} x2
| {{Item|Green PepperSquash}} x1|| rowspan="3" | {{Item|Rabbit Treat}} x2
| {{Item|PumpkinBeet}} x1|| {{Item|Rabbit Treat}} x2
| {{Item|CarrotCabbage}} x1|| {{Item|Rabbit Treat}} x2
| {{Item|BroccoliCarrot}} x1x3|| rowspan="1" | {{Item|Rabbit TreatRough Familiar Recall Collar}} x2
| {{Item|SquashCarrot}} x1x6|| rowspan="1" | {{Item|Rabbit TreatCrude Familiar Recall Collar}}
| {{Item|BeetCarrot}} x1x9|| rowspan="1" | {{Item|Rabbit TreatDecent Familiar Recall Collar}}
| {{Item|CabbageCarrot}} x1x12|| rowspan="1" | {{Item|Nice Familiar Recall Collar}}|-| {{Item|Carrot}} x15|| rowspan="1" | {{Item|Quality Familiar Recall Collar}}|-| {{Item|Carrot}} x18|| rowspan="1" | {{Item|Rabbit TreatGreat Familiar Recall Collar}}
==== Teleportation ====
Cinnamon offers a Familiar bonding if you pay her him some (20) carrots; . That would make her This makes him your master and allow allows you to always teleport back to herhim, provided you have been in animal form the last 3 hours of in-game real time. According to Cinnamon there are no disadvantages to this.Cinnamon will also (for free) remove this bonding, should you ask for that in a future time. (thus allowing you to bind to someone else). 
== Events ==
===== Winter Celebration =====
|RiShin Family ={{Item|Rabbit Treat}} x5, {{Item|Carrot}} x5
== Conversations ==
[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Sun Vale NPCs]][[Category:Vendor]][[Category:Bartering]][[Category:Skill Trainer]][[Category:Animal Town NPCs]][[Category: Talks to Animals]]

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