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635 bytes added, 17:49, 7 February 2015
no edit summary
| item = Goblin Shield
| icon = basicshield
| base stat = +30 Max Armor +30
| base value = 105
| item = Goblin Breastplate
| icon = basicbreastplate
| base stat = +60 Max Armor +60
| base value = 210
{{gear table row
| item = Goblin Skirt
| icon = basicpants
| base stat = +46 Max Armor, +3 Power Regeneration
| base value = 175
{{gear table row
| item = Goblin Leggings
| icon = basicpants
| base stat = +50 Max Armor +50
| base value = 175
{{gear table row
| item = Goblin Chain Shirt
| icon = basicbreastplate
| base stat = +58 Max Armor, +1 Slashing Reduction
| base value = 210
{{gear table row
| item = Goblin Cetus
| icon = basicknuckles
| base stat = +2 Unarmed Damage
| base value = 160
{{gear table row
| item = Goblin Claw
| icon = basicclaw
| base stat = +2 Trauma Damage
| base value = 160
{{gear table row
| item = Goblin Stompers
| icon = basicboots
| base stat = +30 Max Armor
| base value = 105
|} <!-- This is the end of the left table -->
| <!-- This tells for there to be a second cell in the outer table (the text) -->
| valign="top" |
=== Goblin Set Description ===
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