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7 bytes added, 07:00, 16 September 2014
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Knowledge of the physiology of creatures in general. This is an umbrella skill that encompasses a vast suite of sub-skills for particular types of creatures. This parent skill represents generalized knowledge that applies to all creatures in the world.
The '''Anatomy''' skill is a parent skill for a number of creature-specific Anatomy skills, such as '''Canine Anatomy''' and '''Fungoid Anatomy'''.
Examining corpses a corpse (with an Autopsy Kit in the inventory) will raise the relevant creatureanatomy sub-specific anatomy skillpertinent to the slain creature.  As these sub-skills improve more details will be revealed about the creature, such as their Abilities and their particular weaknesses (eg. Weak to Poison, Resistant to Slash damage).
[[File:Anatomy skill example.jpg|thumb|right|250px|The target window reveals the enemy's Abilities.]]

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