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Gulagra is the embodiment of anarchy, so it should not be surprising that we have very poor records about it. The elven sage Tullanis wrote that Gulagra was born from old chaos golds that fought themselves to death, but if this is true, it was uncountable years ago.
We also know that GUlagra Gulagra and [[Tast]] were once allies, both reveling in war. But while Tast believes war should be organized and structured, Gulagra wants only chaos, and ultimately they parted ways after the battle with [[Dreva]]. After that, Gulagra focused on infiltrating city-states and destroying them from within. Even today, a leader that damages their city is said to be "Gulagra's Fool."
But now, Gulagra has weakened. How or why, we do not know. It has been more than a thousand years since Gulagra's favorite shape -- a huge pale worm -- have been seen. Its followers once gathered in vast cults, but now live in hidden places, clinging together to attempt to retain their sanity. They are no more dangerous than the wild beasts of this world.