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Gulagra's Sigil Key

30 bytes added, 17:03, 17 March 2015
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{{Spoiler|Gulagra wants us to find the man who took the ghost.I've prepared everything. There are a hundred moonstones here. Take one. Offer the moonstone to the weird statues. The proper statue will eat your moonstone. Offer your sigil key to that statue, and you'll arrive in the cave. Bring a shovel. Dig dig dig goes the supplicant. When your hands are ruined, dig with your face. Never stop digging until you reach the sanctum. Gulagra will punish all. Then all will be forgiven. Scrawled at the bottom is another note: ONLY TAKE ONE MOONSTONE, YOU IDIOTS! Otherwise the other supplicants won't be able to get in! Fucking anarchists can't follow directions to save their...}}
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