→{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics: Testing item lists.
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics ==
=== Fairy Knife Fighting Weapons ===[[Knife Fighting]] users will find two varieties of weapons usable. A Dagger can be one of held in the starting skills for main-hand, a Dirk in the Fairy raceoffhand.==== Main-hand Dagger ====<dpl> category = Items/Knife notcategory = Items/OffHand reset = categories columns = 3 tablerow = style="font-weight:bold"¦%%,</dpl>==== Off-hand Dirk ====<dpl> category = Items/Knife category = Items/OffHand reset = categories columns = 3 tablerow = style="font-weight:bold"¦%%,</dpl>=== Consumable Equipment===
:{{Item|Simple Throwing Knife}} - A simple knife designed for beginning knife-throwers.
:{{Item|Basic Throwing Knife}} - A knife designed for throwing.
:{{Item|Astounding Ice Throwing Knife}} - A well-balanced ice blade, perfect for throwing. This item will melt in warm or hot environments!
:{{Item|Awesome Ice Throwing Knife}} - A well-balanced ice blade, perfect for throwing. This item will melt in warm or hot environments!
=== Fairy Knife Fighting ===
[[Knife Fighting]] will be one of the starting skills for the Fairy race.
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Treasure Effects}}
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Stat Bonuses}}
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}}
== Knife Fighting Experience Table ==
{{Spoiler|Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Knife Fighting|