Updated to skill template.
{{Skill infobox
|title = Compassion
|image = [[File:Compassion_skill.png|300px]]
|caption = The ability to feel empathy, even for creatures not at all like yourself.
|skilltype = Other Skill
|maxlevel = 50
|req = N/A
|skilltrainers = N/A
The ability to feel empathy, even for creatures not at all like yourself
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview==[[Compassion]] is an introductory skill almost every character will quickly learn, and gives some small bonuses to other skills.===How In-Game Description ===The ability to levelfeel empathy, even for creatures not at all like yourself.=== Training {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} ===If you have * Using a shovel you can choose {{Item|Shovel}} to bury any corpses which will make a monster corpse. This also increases the corpse disappear and let them respawn fastertime of the defeated monster!* Mourning at another character's gravestone (once per player grave).== Connected Skills ======= Sub-Skills: =====* None===== Secondary Skills: =====* None===== Related Skills: =====* [[Corpse Talking]] - Allows proper communication with the dead, beyond mourning at their grave. ===== Synergy Levels: =====Bonus [[Synergy Levels]] for [[Compassion]]<!-- Skill Name --> can be obtained from the following skills and levels::; [[Gender Studies]]:: Level 20== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics ===== Burying Corpses ===If you find graves you can choose a {{Item|Shovel}} is used to mourn and then re-bury them. You may also morn for a player's grave. This gives you XPcorpse, but the game wonrespawn time of that creature becomes much faster. It't display it as an increases courteous to bury monsters in outside areas and lower level dungeons.===Equipment===* {{Item|Shovel}}
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}}
== Trivia ==
* Most players appreciate those who bury corpses!
[[Category:Skills]][[Category:Other Skills]]