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__NOTOC__{{CreatureMOB infobox|Nametitle =Panther|Typetype =Feline|Healtharmor =89|Armorhealth =217|Ragerage =263|Notoriety=|Curse=|Effectiveeffective =Poison, Trauma|vEffective=}}|Ineffective=|vIneffective=|Description=[[Panther]]s are large cats seemingly native to [[Eltibule]]. They can be found intermixed with the [[Tiger]] and [[Worg]] packs. [[Fey Panther Groupie]]s share a similar appearance. Panthers are a good source for players with a low foraging skill to collect Oranges. Panthers can be tamed using the Tame Cat ability and charmed to be made a permanent pet after reaching level 20 in Animal Handling. == Locations =={{MOB Location|Areasarea=Eltibule|Locationlocation=Found prowling outside the portal to [[Serbule]].|MoreLocationshealth =217|CombatAbilitiesarmor =: {{Combat Ability89|Slashing Damagerage = 263}}: == Combat Abilities =={{Combat Ability|Combat Ability=Slashing Damage 2|Slahing Damage:AIP:BigCat}}: == Miscellaneous =={{Combat Ability Rage|Heavy Slashing Damage}}|Skins='''Skin''':| {{Item|Rough Animal Skin}},|-|'''Bonus Skin''':| {{Item|Shoddy Animal Skin}}|Meats=-|'''Meat''':| {{Item|Sinewy Beast Meat}}|Skulls=-|'''Skull''':| {{Item|Animal Skull}}|LootLevel}== Reported Loot ====== General Loot ===={||Loot1={{Item|Panther Tail}},| {{Item|Cat Eyeball}},| {{Item|Orange}}|Loot2=-| {{Item|Daisy Seeds}},| {{Item|Cedar Wood}},| {{Item|Good Metal Slab}}|Loot3=-| {{Item|Venison}},| {{Item|Pork Shoulder}},| {{Item|Raw Chicken}}|Loot4} ==Animal Handling Stats =={{MOB AH|TameLevelname = Panther| level to tame=20|MaxLevelmax level =8070|MaxBondLevelmax bond level =8070|MaxHappinessmax happiness =100|MaxEnthusiasmmax enthusiasm =10|tCombatAbilityattack ={{Combat Ability|Slashing Damage}}|tSicEmsic em ={{Combat Ability|Debuff Slashing Vulnerability}}|tTrickclever trick ={{Combat Ability|Very Heavy Slashing Damage}}|Bonusbonus =|Weaknessesweaknesses =Fire, Poison, Trauma|Resistsresists =Nature}}{{MOB AHVital|VitalLevelvital level=Tamed (20)|vHealthhealth =185|vArmorarmor =71