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Simple Skinning Knife

452 bytes added, 09:36, 3 March 2020
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A [[Simple Skinning Knife]] can be used to skin animals through [[Skinning]]. These skins are then tanned with [[Tanning]] and can be used to craft gear using the [[Leatherworking]] skill.
=== How to Obtain ===
* Become {{Favor|Friends}} with [[Lawara]], and receive one as a gift.* Purchase from [[Sammie Grimspine]] in [[Serbule Hills]].* Purchase from [[Kleave]] in [[Eltibule]] Keep.* Purchase from [[Nishika]] in [[Rahu]].* Reward from [[Ivyn|Ivyn Needs Seedlings]].
=== Gifting ===
=== Lore ===

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