Added a section about loot.
== Augmentation Loot ==
Augments can now be found in loot from monsters. Augments are much more likely to drop from animals (e.g. bears and wolves) than from sentient enemies such as goblins. The skills you have active will influence the types of Augments you find (e.g. you'll find more Ice Magic augments while using Ice Magic), but there is also a large randomness factor.
The goal of adding augments to loot is to make augments more available to low-level players. For this reason, augments are more likely to be found on low-level monsters than high-level monsters. (At higher level we expect player-augmenters to make up the difference; the plan is that when we eventually have level 125 monsters, they won't drop augments at all -- only player augmenters will be able to make max-level augments.)
== Applying Augmentation ==