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39 bytes added, 14:17, 13 March 2020
Check Anatomy.
|image = [[File:Gremix.png|300px]]
|caption = Taking a break from the forge.
|zone = [[Ilmari]]|town = Amulna|location = In the town of [[Amulna]]Forge near northern gate.|anatomy = Rakshasa|species = Rakshasa
|beastspeak = Yes
|skilltrainer = |vendor beastlist = All
{{Quote|Yeah, go ahead, you can use the forge. I'm taking a break.}}
Workorders [[Work Orders]] for Leatherworking can be bought from the workorder Work Order sign next to [[Gremix]]. These workorders can be turned in with [[Gremix]].
[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Ilmari NPCs]]

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