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78 bytes removed, 12:43, 14 March 2020
Updated infobox to template.
|image = [[File:Jesina.png|300px]]
|caption = She seems tired but cheerful.
|zone = [[Eltibule]]
|location = Sie Antry's homestead
|anatomy = Fae|species = Fairy|beastspeak = Yes (Not |beastlist = No Bats, Spiders , or Wolves)|skilltrainer = [[Art History]]|vendor = vendorYes
I'm so worried about Sarina. It's driving me crazy! I wish I could do something!
'''[[Jesina''' ]] is a fairy merchant who lives at [[Sie Antry]]'s homestead. She sells a range of very useful items. There is a garden in front of her with a convenient body of water nearby for the [[Gardening]] skill. She does not however buy the same variety of items as Therese does.
Jesina's sister [[Sarina]] was held captive by goblins in the [[Boarded up Basement]] before being sold to the goblins camped in Eltibule's [[Goblin Dungeon]].
== Conversations ==
[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Eltibule NPCs]][[Category:Fae]][[Category:Vendor]][[Category:Skill Trainer]][[Category:Talks to Animals]]

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