Updated infobox to template.
|image = [[File:The Sand Seer.png|300px]]
|caption = She's studying something.
|zone = [[Ilmari]]|town = Amulna|location = Found Sitting inside the town of [[Amulna]]northern entrance.|anatomy = Rakshasa|species = Rakshasa
|beastspeak = Yes
|beastlist = All|skilltrainer = [[Fire Magic]], [[Treasure Cartography]], [[Sigil Scripting|vendor =]]
| {{Item|Vervadium}} x1 || {{Item|Winterprize}} x2
== Events ======= Winter Celebration ====={{HOLIDAY|RiShin Friends = {{Item|Sun Warden}}(L60)|RiShin Family =}}
== Conversations ==
: Yes, it's in my bedroom, in the upstairs area above [[Drima]]. Feel free to experiment with it. My notes are on top of the vault, you may find them useful as well.
:; Thank you.