Added creature.
{{MOB infobox
| title = Sacrificial Scray
| type = Fish and Snail
| health = 8831
| armor = 1161
| rage = 1086
| effective = Piercing, Fire, Electricity
| vineffective = Slashing, Nature, Trauma
| immune = Acid
| notoriety = 700
| curse = Defiler of Enoyos
[[Sacrificial Scray]] is a cartilaginous fish summoned during a ritual for [[Enoyos]]. After sacrificing sacrificial objects looted from four sacrificial creatures, the [[Sacrificial Scray]] will spawn.
== Locations ==
{{MOB Location
| area= Sacrificial Sea Cave
| location= Summoned after four other Sacrificial creatures defeated.
| health = 275
| armor = 213
| rage = 431
== Combat Abilities ==
'''Slight Regeneration, Thick Armor'''
== Miscellaneous ==
== Reported Loot ==
==== General Loot ====
; Level 40-45 Equipment
|{{Item|Sacrificial Lung}}
|{{Item|Scrayskin Coat}}
|{{Item|Scray Lure}}
|{{Item|Scray Stinger}}
|{{Item|Scray Lung}}
== Curse ==
{{Disease|Defiler of Enoyos}} - {{ #dpl: | title = Defiler of Enoyos| include= {DISEASE infobox}:description}}
== Lore ==
==== Intuition Warning: Danger Ahead! Text ====
"My wrath is just, for I bring the nets of plenty of my followers."
"Woe betide he who defiles my sacrifice, for I am the calm and the squall."
"He who defiles my sacrifice..."
"May no man sail without my boon, lest he face the tempest!"
"...made apart from the sea..."
{{MOB infobox
| title = Sacrificial Scray
| type = Fish and Snail
| health = 8831
| armor = 1161
| rage = 1086
| effective = Piercing, Fire, Electricity
| vineffective = Slashing, Nature, Trauma
| immune = Acid
| notoriety = 700
| curse = Defiler of Enoyos
[[Sacrificial Scray]] is a cartilaginous fish summoned during a ritual for [[Enoyos]]. After sacrificing sacrificial objects looted from four sacrificial creatures, the [[Sacrificial Scray]] will spawn.
== Locations ==
{{MOB Location
| area= Sacrificial Sea Cave
| location= Summoned after four other Sacrificial creatures defeated.
| health = 275
| armor = 213
| rage = 431
== Combat Abilities ==
'''Slight Regeneration, Thick Armor'''
== Miscellaneous ==
== Reported Loot ==
==== General Loot ====
; Level 40-45 Equipment
|{{Item|Sacrificial Lung}}
|{{Item|Scrayskin Coat}}
|{{Item|Scray Lure}}
|{{Item|Scray Stinger}}
|{{Item|Scray Lung}}
== Curse ==
{{Disease|Defiler of Enoyos}} - {{ #dpl: | title = Defiler of Enoyos| include= {DISEASE infobox}:description}}
== Lore ==
==== Intuition Warning: Danger Ahead! Text ====
"My wrath is just, for I bring the nets of plenty of my followers."
"Woe betide he who defiles my sacrifice, for I am the calm and the squall."
"He who defiles my sacrifice..."
"May no man sail without my boon, lest he face the tempest!"
"...made apart from the sea..."