{{Disease|Stolen Healing Potential}} - {{ #dpl: | title = Stolen Healing Potential| include= {DISEASE infobox}:description}}
Added lore.
| rage = 5085
==Combat Abilities==
'''Boss, Auto-Healed by Healing Crystals'''
== Reported Loot ==
; Level 70 Equipment
== Curse ==
{{Disease|Stolen Healing Potential}} - {{ #dpl: | title = Stolen Healing Potential| include= {DISEASE infobox}:description}}
== Lore ==
==== Intuition Warning: Danger Ahead! Text ====
"I'm Invincible"
"We need more test subjects, but I can't take it out in the field like this."
"I just need to figure out how to make this portable, and..."
"This constant healing... I feel the best I have ever felt!"
"I can't let Major Glofik know how powerful this is. I have to find a way to steal it..."