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Striga Shaman

581 bytes added, 21:12, 2 May 2015
Added the second of the Striga. Still needs an image.
{{MOB infobox
| type = Crone-Kin
| armor = 208
| health = 378
| rage = 471
| effective = Psychic, Poison, Acid
| ineffective = Slashing, Cold

'''Striga Shaman''' are slightly weaker than their [[Striga Drainer]] brethren, but have the ability to use magical attacks.

; [[Kur Tower]]
: Lower level.
==Combat Abilities==
* Heavy Fire Damage
* Buff: Immunity to Fire, Cold
* Slashing Damage

* Level: ?
* Skin: ?
* Meat: ?
* Skull: None

==Reported Loot==
* Fire Dust
* Sulfur

[[Category:Kur Tower Creatures]][[Category:Crone-Kin]]

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