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Game updates/2015-07-01

76 bytes added, 15:01, 11 October 2015
==<b>July 1 Update</b>==
==<b>Werewolf Content</b>==
:The [[Altar of Norala ]] now works! This is werewolf-only content that is only active during the full moon - and it's the full moon today! (And the next two days after.) The altar is located in the werewolf cave, right at the entrance. It will give you quests. If you complete the quests, you get tokens that you can use to buy different buffs. The buffs last until just before the next full moon. Some of the buffs enhance werewolf-specific abilities, but other buffs (like Max Health Increase) are generic and will work in whatever form you're in.:You can only do the quests (and buy the buffs) during the full moon. When the next full moon comes around, everything will have reset and you can do it again.:The idea here is to encourage werewolves to play together during the full moon and to "run in a pack" to get things done. For that reason, the quests are pretty grindy - if you were soloing them, that is. As a small group they should be more tolerable.:Werewolves, please test this out during the full moon and give feedback! We'll add different quests in the future, along with some other rewards you can buy, but first we want to make sure the basic idea is going to work okay.
==<b>Trade GUI</b>==
==<b>Level 60 Skill Cap</b>==
We're rolling out level-cap increases for each skill one by one. (The first combat skills to be raised will be the ones with fleshed-out treasure profiles.) It's not automatic, though: each skill has a trainer NPC that can raise the cap for you... if they like you enough.
:- You can now unlock the ability to raise [[Sword ]] skill to level 60. See the new NPC in Kur (in the building next to the inn):- You can now unlock [[Endurance ]] to 60. See [[Lamashu ]] in the forests of Kur:- You can now unlock [[Unarmed ]] to 60. The trainer is currently in a very inconvenient place, I'm afraid - it's [[Furlak]], the rakshasa in the [[Winter Nexus]]. (Note: the abilities that Furlak previously sold are now level 51 instead of level 50):- You can now unlock [[Psychology ]] to 60. The trainer is in [[Amulna ]] (a tiny town in the new desert). You can't miss him since there's only two NPCs in town so far.
==<b>[[Ilmari|Ilmari Desert ]] Preview</b>==The new level 51-60 area, the [[Ilmari|Ilmari Desert]], is open. There's a portal in Kur near the mountains. Look for the sign near the huge ravine to point you in the right direction.:Consider this a "preview version" because I'm still actively building this area. The reason it's opened now is to get feedback on the group-monsters in the middle of the desert. (Look for the weird white prism things. The monsters there are very tough.) The goal is to for this be an old-fashioned EQ-style outdoor hunting spot, where three or four high-level players can get together, murder the crap out of tough monsters, and get good loot and XP. I need feedback: is the fight tough enough? Interesting enough? (They're pretty generic, as far as monsters go.) Is this type of encounter area something you'd like to see more of? Does it need something to make it work better? Etc.:If you don't have a large group, you might look for the two small outposts that are overrun with [[Rakshasa ]] bandits. The bandit encounters are extremely untested, but hopefully they're fun and challenging.
==<b>Seasonal Content</b>==

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