{{Quote|source= Gammo's "Legions of Stone" (Poetry Book)|icon=book|
A musty tome of poetry from the dwarven master Gammo. It has both the original Dwarven rhyming couplets and a Human translation. Perfect for the poetry lover in your life.
{{Quote|source= "Collected Works of Gammo" (Poetry Book)|icon=book|
A heavy volume of poems by the dwarven master Gammo. It even includes the poem "My Penis is the Sunstone," which has been censored by the Dwarven Culture Group for over 500 years! This is a great find for poetry lovers, though dwarves may find it too embarrassing to own. Less prudish individuals tend to find Gammo's works uplifting and enervating.
: One thousand years ago, the Dwarven Stalwarts were powerful fighters that wore ornate but sturdy armor. <ref> Stalwart Helmet item </ref>