,Added location.
| rage = 657
{{MOB Location
| altheader= [[Dark Chapel]]
| variant = 'Tremor,' Enhanced
| location = Scion's cavern.
| time = Summoned by the [[Scion of Discord]]
| health = 7601
| armor = 1204
| rage = 1365
== Combat Abilities ==
{{:AIP:Boss Tremor}}
== Miscellaneous ==
| None
| None
| None
== Reported Loot ==
==== General Loot ====
; Ability Books
|{{Item|Tremor's Bow}} (Level 15-20)
|{{Item|Lovelorn Blade}}
|{{Item|Broccoli Seedling}}
==== Myconian Cave Loot ====
; Level 15-20 Equipment
==== Dark Chapel Loot ====
; Level 35-40 Equipment
{{Disease|Permanent Spore Damage}} - {{ #dpl: | title = Permanent Spore Damage| include= {DISEASE infobox}:description}}
==Combat AbilitiesLore =={{:AIP:Boss Tremor}}==Miscellaneous==* Skin: None* Meat: None* SkullIntuition Warning: None Danger Ahead! Text ==Reported Loot==* {{ItemQuote|Tremor's Bow}}: Bow, Green to yellow Quality, level 15-20* {{Item| Lovelorn Blade...}}* [[Banana]Category:Bosses]* [[Broccoli Seedling]]* {{Item|Psychology: Mock 5}}*Magic Armor [[Category:BossesScion Summon]]