Added conversations, details.
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{{Quote|source=[[Noita the Green]]|I've been the personal trainer for over six hundred kinds of ascended animals. I'm sure I can help any animal fight better! Although I'll direct pig-related inquiries to [[Backfat]] over there.}}[[Noita the Green]] isan [[Awakened]] [[Fae Panther]], possessing both long-life and intelligence beyond the rest of her species..She has a passion for death, and all things leading to it.== Favor =====Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]===
== Conversations ==
{{Quote|source=[[Noita the Green]]|
No, I don't' really have a problem with people hunting fae panthers... it's not any different than hunting those idiot bears or the rhinos: most of my species are hardly smarter than mortal animals, so it's not really murder.
Unless of course, the animals have managed to ascend, in which case it'd totally be murder!
{{Quote|source=[[Noita the Green]]|
Most everything in the fae realm is immortal in the "never-get-old" sense. But immortality in the "come back to life if you're murdered" sense is much rarer! Around here, the only creatures that come back are fairies, pixies, barghests, trolls... oh and those phoenices! Did I miss any?