Welcome, welcome! Here to save us from the goblin horde? Great!
[[Yetta]] is an Elven merchant found in the courtyard of Eltibule Keep. As an elf she is a clean freak so you may be required to take a bath before dealing with her (the bath can be found behind the crates in the same courtyard). She buys a bit of everything, which is convenient with the [[Goblin Dungeon]] entrance nearby. She has high hopes that the [[Second Column]] will arrive in [[Eltibule]] to reclaim the tunnels from the goblins.
Eventually, [[Yetta ]] might comment on her relationships. When you reach {{favor|Soul Mates}}, she will confirm [[Rita]] and [[Blanche]]'s rumors of her sleeping with weather:{{Quote|What? No! Who told you that!? Me and . [[CirrulusYetta]] were just friendly!... Well, I guess I did let him get a little windy with me... Yetta sighs. I was feeling lonely, and he was just a nice weather phenomenon...}}Yetta also mentions her ex-wife [[Sirine]] during Small Talk at higher levels:{{Quote|I miss my ex-wife Sirine. Like, a whole lot. That's why I'm working on a new potion that will wipe her memory from my mind completely! It's really complex, though, and I'm so depressed all the time... it's taking too long. Sorry, sorry. I just gotta focus on my work!}}
== Location ==
; [[Eltibule Keep]]
== Conversations ==
{{Quote|source = [[Yetta]]|
I miss my ex-wife Sirine. Like, a whole lot. That's why I'm working on a new potion that will wipe her memory from my mind completely! It's really complex, though, and I'm so depressed all the time... it's taking too long.
Sorry, sorry. I just gotta focus on my work!
{{Quote|source = [[Yetta]]|
What? No! Who told you that!? Me and [[Cirrulus]] were just friendly!
... Well, I guess I did let him get a little windy with me... Yetta sighs. I was feeling lonely, and he was just a nice weather phenomenon...
{{Quote|source = [[Yetta]]|
Personally, I think the [[Second Column]] is going to storm in here soon and root all the goblins out of the tunnels! And I'm gonna make a mint selling them supplies!