Effective: Piercing, Cold, Nature
Ineffective: Poison, Acid, Trauma
Very Ineffective: Fire
-* Fire Dust* Eye Stalks.
Updated stats and to template.
{{MOB infobox
| type = Aberration
| armor = 400660| health = 575916| rage = 8091104| effective = Piercing, Cold, Nature| ineffective = Poison, Acid, Trauma, Fire (Very)
'''Dark Gazers''' are found inside the dark corridors in [[Dark Chapel]]. Like the similar monsters at the green annex, they're very powerful and dangerous spellcasters, with several area-of-effect abilities that will quickly wear out any unprepared group.
==Combat Abilities==
* Burst Fire Damage
* Close Burst Poison and Knockback
==Reported Loot==
[[Category:Dark Chapel Creatures]][[Category:Aberration]]