; Level 50 Equipment
====War Cache====
; Level 50 Equipment
→Reported Loot
==Reported Loot==
====General===={||{{Item|Fear Oil}}|{{Item|Hatred Oil}}|}====Ilmari DesertEquipment ====; Level 50-55 Equipment([[Ilmari]], [[Labyrinth]], [[War Caches]])
|{{Item|Desert Vagabond Cap}}
|{{Item|Desert Vagabond Shirt}}
|{{Item|Desert Vagabond Pants}}
|{{Item|Desert Vagabond Gloves}}
|{{Item|Desert Vagabond Boots}}
|{{Item|Amulet of the Rugged Traveler}}
|{{Item|Great Helm of the Winter Court}}
|{{Item|Great Coat of the Winter Court}}
|{{Item|Great Greaves of the Winter Court}}
|{{Item|Great Gauntlets of the Winter Court}}
|{{Item|Great Boots of the Winter Court}}
|{{Item|Amulet of Max Health +30}}
|{{Item|Mallet of Obliteration}}
|{{Item|Weaver's Ocarina}}
|{{Item|Stafflord's Ring}}
|{{Item|Tail Ring of Hydration}}
==== General Loot ====
|{{Item|Fear Oil}}
|{{Item|Hatred Oil}}
|{{Item|Hope Oil}}
|{{Item|Magic Sand}}
|{{Item|Tattered Red Book}}
|{{Item|Faded Blue Book}}
|{{Item|Filigreed Plate}}
|{{Item|IridiumTelka's Tail}}|{{Item|Filigreed PlateBig Coin Sack}}|{{Item|Arm BonesCandle Stump}}|{{Item|Fulgurite}}|-|{{Item|Master Armor Patch Kit}}|{{Item|Expert's Armor Patch Kit}}|{{Item|Master First Aid Kit}}|{{Item|Ancient Stencil}}|-|{{Item|On Becoming Great Again}}|{{Item|Yellow Game Chip}}|{{Item|Green Game Chip}}|{{Item|Sharpening Stone}}|-|{{Item|Wool}}x5|{{Item|Vague Ilmari Treasure Rumor: Small Treasure}}|{{Item|Lead Figurine of a War Wizard}}