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539 bytes added, 15:28, 28 January 2021
Equipment: switched incomplete list for dpl table.
[[File:Anatomy skill example2.png|||250px|This target window reveals the enemy's abilities, weaknesses, and immunity.]]
Other levels of While the introductory [[Autopsy Kit]]s can be purchased from various NPC shopkeepers, it can also be crafted by through [[Toolcrafting| Toolcrafters]]. :* Autopsy Kits which provide bonuses to effective skill level when interacting with a corpse can also be crafted, and do not require any specific skills to use. Adventurers encountering difficulties autopsying high level creatures may wish to request that another character craft them an improved kit, or learn [[Forensic Inspection KitToolcrafting]]themselves.<dpl> category = Items/AutopsyBasic include = {ITEM infobox}:description reset = categories columns = 1 mode = userformat format = ,\n* [[Forensic Analysis Kit]]{{Item|%PAGE%}}: ,, allowcachedresults=true</dpl>
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Stat Bonuses}}

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