{{Quest__NOTOC__|QName=Cheer Up Riger|=Summary==Cheer up '''[[Riger]]'''!|NPCGiver===Prerequisites===To start this quest, talk to '''[[Riger]]|NPCLOC=''' in '''[[Anagoge Island]]'''.|FavorLevel===Preface==|PrerequisiteQst={{Quote|QuestQuote=I don't know. I mean, I don't even want to escape, you know? It doesn't matter anymore. I think I'm seriously depressed. But I can't figure out a fix. I wish I could feel some hope again.}}|===Requirements===Ask Riger if there is anything you can do for him. His task requires '''[[Pick-Me-Up Juice]]''' which can be made on the island he is on. You first need to '''find the recipes on the lighthouse bookshelf''' nearby. After that, you need the ingredients to create the juice which is '''1 [[Bottle of Water]], 1 [[Strange Dirt]], 1 [[Sugar]], 2 [[Parasol Mushroom]], and 1 [[Salt]]'''. Everything '''can be found around the island or from monster loot''', so search around!. Once you acquired all the ingredients, '''click the ''Recipes'' icon''' on the sidebar, find the '''Parasol Mushroom Flakes recipe''' and craft it. Next, find the '''Pick-Me-Up Juice recipe''', craft it, then give it to Riger by talking to him again. ===Rewards==={{Spoiler|Reward for cheering up Riger|QuestTips={{Quote|RewardQuote=What's this? Oh, hey. (Riger drinks the potion.)
...thanks. That hit the spot. At least for a while, I won't feel like dying! Actually, I think I'm going to plan my escape! It's all thanks to you! And no thanks to that Psychology book over there. Magic wins every time!
;'''You're welcome. Bye!'''}}|RewardFavor=Rewards:|RewardItems=*100 '''[[Alchemy]]''' XP*Access to Riger's Textbook on the table which teaches you '''[[Psychology]]'''}}[[Category:Quests]][[Category:Quests/Riger]][[Category:Quests/Anagoge Island Quests]]