{{Quote|The ability to endure heavy loads and uncomfortable situations without getting tired. Your endurance increases the speed of your armor regeneration between fights, among other things. This ability permanently raises your armor regeneration rate.}} '''Endurance''' is a basic skill that is available to every new character. It will increase as you take armor damage during combat. Leveling Endurance will gradually increase out of combat '''Armor Regen Bonus''' and also unlock additional '''Inventory Slots'''.__NOTOC__
<!--Leave a quote about the skill hereThe ability to endure heavy loads and uncomfortable situations without getting tired. This can be Your endurance increases the in-game descriptionspeed of your armor regeneration between fights, but that info must be placed below as wellamong other things. Adds a bit of flavor to the article as wellThis ability permanently raises your armor regeneration rate.-->
<!-- The ability to endure heavy loads and uncomfortable situations without getting tired. Your Endurance increases the speed of your armor regeneration between fights, among other things. (The most common way to raise Endurance is simply to take armor damage in-game description of the skill goes herecombat. -->)
<!-- This table lists additional abilities that have to be earned through favor/loot/etc -->
{| class="sortable" style="width:100%; border:1px solid silver;margin:0 0 1em;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" rules=all
|- style="background: #ec81bf;"
! align="left" style="width:120px;"|<span style="cursor:pointer;">'''Ability'''</span> || style="width:120px"|<span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Learn From'''</span> || style="width:100px"|<span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Req.'''</span> || align="left"|Misc. Notes
| '''Push Onward''' || [[Kalaba]], [[Suspicious Cow]] || ?? || Take advantage of your preparedness and training to stay alive longer... at the cost of your armor. '''Special''': You lose up to 50 Armor and regain that much Health.
Removed redundant info.
{{Skill infobox
|title = Endurance
|image = [[File:Endurance.png|300px]]
|caption = <!--A description of the skillThe ability to endure heavy loads and uncomfortable situations without getting tired.-->|skilltype = Other Skill <!-- Pick the first correct one: Beast Form, Combat Skill, Beast Skill (EX: Beast Speech, but NOT Lycanthropy), Anatomy Skill, Phrenology Skill, Trade Skill, Other Skill (Used for skills that don't fit the other categories) -->
|maxlevel = 80 <!-- List without bonus levels -->
|req = <!-- Any other skills needed to gain this skill -->N/A|skilltrainers = [[Lamashu]], [[Backfat]] <!-- List skill trainers, 3 max -->[[Kalaba]]
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview==
[[Endurance ]] is a skill about withstanding great amounts of pain. Endurance XP is automatically gained after killing a monster, depending on the amount of Armor damage you took during the fight (or possibly from that monster itself).
Endurance provides useful bonuses like extra inventory slots, in- and out of- combat armor regeneration, maximum metabolism, and maximum underwater held breath. It also provides access to the sidebar skill Dig Deep, which can restore Power.
=== In-Game Description ===
=== Training {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} ===
<!-- A list of methods to learn and level the skill -->
* The player typically learns the Endurance skill quite early on. Simply equipping a piece of gear that grants some Armor, taking damage from an enemy, and killing it will grant the player the Endurance skill.
* [[Kalaba]] in [[Eltibule]] teaches the [[Push Onward]] ability. Animals seeking this ability should speak with the [[Suspicious Cow]].
* [[Lamashu]] in the [[Kur Mountains]] can unlock levels 51-60, and 61-70, and teaches higher levels of Dig Deep.
* [[Backfat]] in the [[Fae Realm]] can unlock 71-80, and also teaches a higher level of Dig Deep.