<!-- Add requirements here. Use {{Item}} template for items, and link mobs. -->
<!-- We use a spoiler here to hide the end results of the quest. A player may want to see what the quest requirements are, without knowing what the reward is.{{Spoiler|Rewards for [[Event: Garden Invasion]]|*{{QuoteItem|Bunny Juice}}N/A*{{Item|Un-Bunny Juice}}
Improved event history.
[[Event: Garden Invasion]] is a [[Seasonal Event]] that usually occurs in early Spring, and sometimes a second time in mid-Fall. Alongside [[Event: Bun-Fu Training]], the Garden Invasion is a source for {{Item|Bunny Juice}}, allowing players to transform into the [[Rabbit]] beast form.
[[ThereseSie Antry]] in [[SerbuleEltibule]] asked for your help in getting rid of hungry rabbits. Just grow some plants in any garden area, and they'll come running!
To start this quest, talk to '''[[ThereseSie Antry]]''' in '''[[SerbuleEltibule]]'''. The quest is available during the Garden Invasion Weekend Event. This quest is repeatable every 3 hours during the event.
* Kill 12 [[Garden Rabbit]]s.
* Talk to [[ThereseSie Antry]]
== Event History ==
; April 3-4, 2020.
* Quest offered by [[Sie Antry]] in [[Eltibule]]. [[Easter Bunny]] appeared in [[Eltibule]].
; April 10-11, 2020.
* Quest offered by [[Therese]] in [[Serbule]]. First appearance of the [[Easter Bunny]].
; June 10, 2017.
* Quest offered by [[Therese]] in [[Serbule]].
; October 6, 2017.
* Quest offered by [[Therese]] in [[Serbule]].
=== Trivia ===
[[Category:Quests]][[Category:Seasonal Event]]