Added a quote from Lemons.
; http://conorbrace.com/
; https://soundcloud.com/conorbracemusic
=== Admin Jackencola ===
'''Jackencola,''' (as Rummencola) was invited to be a Volunteer Guide in 2018. In August of 2018, they became an Elder Game employee as "Admin Jackencola.'''
=== Admin Lemons ===
'''Lemons,''' (as Sims) was invited to be a Volunteer Guide in 2018. In October of 2018, they became an Elder Game employee as '''Admin Lemons.'''
I manage the bug database, and more recently I've been helping with QA testing. I help with customer service when needed (moderating steam forums/official pages, very rarely replying to e-mails). I sometimes help create and set up live events (things involving scapegoats, mainly). Hmm.. Other than that, I do pretty much anything srand/Citan need done at the time.
=== Aaron Victoria - Aviticus Gladius===
: '''Aaron''' is a friend and development partner of '''Eric Heimburg.''' Aaron is working on his own MMO, Legends of Etherell: Antavia. His company has provided art assets in exchange for programming support for Legends of Etherell.